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Wine Yeast FAQs

How much yeast should I use to ferment wine?

For standard primary fermentation inoculation, we recommend an addition rate of 2 lb/1000 gal (25 g/hL) of total juice to achieve a stable and effective population. For high Brix (greater than 25 °B) juices, increase the inoculation rate to 2.8 lb/1000 gal (35 g/hL).

What is the best yeast to use for Cider or Fruit Wines?

The top yeast strains for fruit wine fermentation are K1 (V1116), EC1118, DV10, 71B, D47, M2, VIN 13, VL1, QA23, R2, and W15. For cider fermentation, the top strains are DV10, EC1118, K1 (V1116), M2, Opale, QA23, R2 and VIN 13.

I have high levels of malic acid in my juice. What yeast strain can I use to help lower the acid level?

Some yeast strains are able to metabolize malic acid at greater rates then others. VRB and 71B are yeast strains that have been observed to reduce malic levels.

What is yeast killer factor?

Killer yeast contain a toxin in their cell wall structure that allows them to kill toxin sensitive foreign yeast cells. Most killer strains of S. cerevisiae have good fermentation kinetics and, therefore, have a greater chance of dominating the fermentation. If indigenous yeast is perceived as a potential problem, strains with this factor may be beneficial. Our various yeast strains can exhibit, be sensitive to or have a neutral reaction to this factor.

What is the temperature range of yeast?

Each yeast strain has a temperature range in which it is most active or most sensitive. For specific yeast temperature requirements, please refer to the individual product descriptions.

I have a stuck fermentation and the fructose fraction is higher than the glucose. Which yeast should I use to restart my fermentation?

A good yeast selection for a wine with a high fructose fraction is ICV-KI (V1116). ICV-K1 is fructophilic and a vigorous fermenter. This strain exhibits a killer factor that is helpful when indigenous yeast are still present.

My first attempt to restart a stuck fermentation failed. Should I try again with same yeast strain?

The first yeast strain used may not have acclimated to a difficult condition of the wine or was inoculated with a low population. It is often better to chose a strain better adapted for high alcohol, high SO2 or a competitive atmosphere. Using the same strain may work the second time, but it may not. Make sure to carefully follow a recommended restart protocol.

Can I open and partially use an active-dried yeast culture and reuse the balance at a later date?

A dried yeast culture will begin to absorb moisture as soon as it is opened. This can trigger the yeast to reactivate. If no must or nutrients are available the yeast die or become weakened. An open container also becomes a rich media for possible microbiological growth. It is recommended to close a container tightly immediately after opening. The balance should be used within a short period of time (1-2 weeks).

How should I store my yeast?

Store yeast in a cool, dry environment.

How should I store my encapsulated yeast?

Store at 4°C (refrigerator). Do not freeze.

What is the shelf life of encapsulated yeast?

At optimal conditions, one year for ProRestart 43 and six months for ProDessert BA11, ProElif QA23, and ProMalic.

What should I do if my mesh bag rips and the beads escape?

Put remaining beads in an intact bag. If loss of beads is extreme, turn over tank twice a day to circulate beads and filter after fermentation as you would in a standard fermentation.

What are the tolerances of ProRestart 43?

A maximum final alcohol tolerance of 15.5 % alcohol and a free SO2 < 20 mg/L. Previous additions of yeast hulls (25-30 g/hL) may considerably improve the efficiency of ProRestart 43 due to the absorption of toxins.

What if my wine is stuck and only contains fructose. Should I use ProRestart 43 or a traditional restart method?

ProRestart 43 has been proven to work in high fructose environments. However, more fructophilic (fructose loving) standard yeast strains, such as ICV-K1 (V1116), may be preferred.

Will the alginate encapsulation hurt my wine in any way?

The alginate should not impart any characteristic to the wine.

Should I use ProDessert Ba11 to conduct a secondary fermentation in the bottle?

No. ProDessert BA11 is not designed to withstand the more difficult conditions of a secondary fermentation. ProElif QA23 was developed for that purpose.

How do I suspend my tank bags?

Tank bags should be filled with no more than 5 kg of encapsulated yeast. Tie bags to strings attached to the top of the tank and anchor the bag with a weight or ballast to prevent the bag from floating.

How should I fill my barrel bags?

The recommended dosage per barrel is 164 g ProRestart 43, 164 g ProMalic, and 218 g ProDessert BA11. Each dose should be divided in half and placed into a 2 barrel bags. Place the filled and rehydrated bags through the barrel bung hole and attach them to the top of the barrel. The use of a ballast is not necessary.