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Equipment FAQs

How do I know what size plat and frame filter I need?

Generally speaking, for filter sheets > 1.0 micron you can expect 35 gallons per sheet per hour and count on running for approximately 2 to 2.5 hours (this will fluctuate depending on the percent solids). For filter sheets < 1.0 micron figure 20 gallons per sheet per hour and filtering for about the same amount of time as above. Example:
  • 2,000 gallons filtered through Seitz K200's (>2 microns)
  • 35 gallons/sheet/hour x 2 hours = 70 gallons/sheet.
  • 2000 gallons/70 gallons/sheet = 28 sheets.
Therefore, a 40 x 40 Velo filter with a 40 plate capacity would be recommended.

On afilter, what's the difference between "Standard" and "Sanitary" execution?

Filters contain a collection of pipes, valves, sight glasses, pressure gauges and other gadgets which come into contact with the product. The easiest (and least expensive) way to assemble them all is with flanges and pipe thread connections. These types of connections are meant to be semi-permanent in that you only disassemble them when you have to replace something. This is called "Standard" execution. With "Sanitary" execution these devices are assembled in a manner which eliminates the pipe threads and flanges, and replaces them with stainless welds and sanitary connections which are designed to be broken down on a daily basis without damage. That way, you've minimized a lot of the nooks & crannies where stuff can get caught, and a fastidious worker can routinely disassemble it for cleaning without using a pipe wrench.

What is a "Two-Stage Filtration" on a plate and frame filter?

This feature involves a diversion chamber placed in the middle of the filter pack, which causes the filtration fluid to be diverted into a second filtration stage. This allows winemakers to accomplish two filtration stages in a single process. Typically, the sheet filter must already be predisposed for this type of use as specific valving is a must.

Do I need to complete load my filter with filter sheets every time I filter?

No, for smaller volume filtrations you can reduce the number of plates and therefore sheets. Plates must be removed, or added, two at a time. For very small numbers of plates a ram extension might be necessary to fully close down on the remaining plates.

How do I determine which type of filtration best meets my needs?

Methods of filtration are best decided by addressing a number of variables. These variables include the typical solids content of your product, the period of production in which you filter, available operating staff, and total product to be filtered during a work shift. In deciding which type best fits you, please contact us for technical advice or ask the Scott Laboratories sales representative in your area.

How do I decide if a lees filter is a good purchase?

Decisions should be made on the basis of how much can be retrieved through lees filtration and the cost of the filter.

Example #1:
  • 100 tons of grapes purchased at $1400/ton = $140,000.
  • 100 tons with a yield of 8% lees = 8 tons.
  • 8 tons x $1,400/ton = $11,200. Payback in 1.5 seasons.
Example #2:
  • 250 tons of grapes purchased at $800/ton = $200,000.
  • 250 tons with a yield of 8% lees = 20 tons.
  • 20 tons x $800/ton = $16,000. Payback in one season.

What is cross flow filtration?

Cross flow filtration in wine can be described as the tangential flow of wine across a membrane surface. Simply put, wine constantly brushes the filter surface, cleaning it, while also migrating through to the clean end as opposed to passively "Dead End" filtrations solids, cross flow is constantly cleaning and rejuvenating itself as the filtration progresses.

What would I use cross flow for?

The benefit of Cross flow is that you can filter relatively high solids wine with very little labor input. Cross flow machines can be run automatically for long periods of time to process large quantities of product without supervision. This makes Cross flow an excellent candidate for pre membrane filtration.

What media do I use with Cross Flow?

Velo Cross flow units use hollow fiber PES media that should have a working life of 5-8 years in normal conditions. The membranes are easily regenerable and an effective substitute for DE and other bulk filter media.

How much room do I need for a bottling line?

For 25 bpm about 500 ft². For 50 bpm about 900 ft². For 75 bpm about 1200 ft². For 100 bpm about 2000 ft². For 150 bpm and above the space required varies significantly depending on the level of automation.

Can I get a labeler for glue labels now and in the future put on pressure sensitive heads?

Absolutely, you can have a labeling machine pre-arranged for any future type of applicatio